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Selected Tag: API

Designing a good, reusable API

Rob Graham 26th Apr 2019

An application programming interface, or API, is described as “A set of functions and procedures allowing the creation of applications that access the features or data of an operating system, application, or other service.” Essentially any code you write which could be used or called from somewhere else is an API - If you program, then you are an API designer.

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Managing subcontractor relationships with emails like it’s 2005?

Arthur Goujon 14th Mar 2019

Rethinking the way data is exchanged with suppliers is not just a cost saving activity; it is transformative and enables businesses to redefine their position in the value chain.

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Integrating Mendix with Carrier API

Ian Perry 31st Aug 2017

As commerce is increasingly moving from the high street to the Internet, the reliance on postal and carrier services is growing. When you order a product from a website they will be responsible for packing up your order and sending it to you, typically sending your parcel via one of the many available carriers. In […]

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An example of using RESTful services in Mendix with the Dropbox API

Charlie Fazackerley 9th Jan 2017

Have you ever scanned a document into your phone and uploaded it to Dropbox? How often do you log in to a web service via Facebook to save having to create a new account? Well, these both rely on APIs, most probably built using the architectural style of REST. RESTful services are typically used in […]

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